Monday, June 13, 2011

10 Things that made me smile!

Image via All about Audrey

I hate Mondays. 

Most weeks I can't wait to see the back of them, and today I was particularly uninspired about the week ahead- that was until I read a motivating post on Sarah Wilson's blog about Gala Darling (check it out by clicking here). It turned my day around, so I had to share.

So each Monday I am planning to list 10 Things that made me smile- inspired by Gala Darling and Sarah Wilson.

Here is my very first list- enjoy!

1. Hot chocolate from DJ's food court
2. The new movie Bridesmaids
3. Having a gorgeous afternoon nap in my bed (instead of the couch) on Sat afternoon
4. Freshly pedicured toes (OPI Siberian Nights) and manicured fingernails (OPI Bubble Bath)
5. Going back to Melbourne in 9 days- HOORAY!
6. Ordering 3 exciting new books from
7. A yummy Saturday night dinner with Ben @ Vans
8. Keeping cosy in winter PJ's
9. Phone calls with gorgeous friends that I don't speak to often enough x
10. Ben and I feeling our baby's big kicks- and both of us laughing hysterically in response!

Have a great week xx

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